
How Porn Affects the Male Brain

Pornography is KING. To men and women of different ages, it is.

It is evident in television advertisements, websites, and even in John Mayer's interview with Playboy Magazine in 2010. 
Pornography? It’s a new synaptic pathway. You wake up in the morning, open a thumbnail page, and it leads to a Pandora’s Box of visuals. There have probably been days when I saw 300 [women] before I got out of bed….Internet pornography has absolutely changed my generation’s expectations.…You’re looking for the one photo out of 100 you swear is going to be the one you finish to, and you still don’t finish. Twenty seconds ago you thought that photo was the hottest thing you ever saw, but you throw it back…How does that not affect the psychology of having a relationship with somebody? It’s got to.1
At age 3 you can already see a pre-schooler adeptly maneuver a psp or a tab. At 8 he starts using social media to express his thoughts and build his own circle of game buddies. At 12 he knows FHM and Playboy very well. At 17 he's junked-up with the woman he saw on one of the porn sites. It's computer addiction at first, then an ensuing porn addiction.

When I first ran into this article in Teach With Joy by Joy T. Mendoza, I agreed when she mentioned that people become so enslaved to pornography without considering how it can equally damage the essence of creating an intimate relationship between husband and wife. 

Pornography must surely have an extremely elating influence on every person that sees it. Because it's desolating but true to know that when you speak of intimacy  today, it's almost always associated with pornography or in its tangible form-- sex. 

Dr. William Struthers was right. We are all living in a "pornified" society. When you talk to most couples, you would hardly hear one who'll not admit that they have engaged in pre- marital sexual relationship somehow or another. 

It's not like I try to lip serve you with a bickering list of religious dogmas, what-should-bes, and an entire read of bible scriptures from the book of Genesis to Revelations. I'm pretty conscious with how the words of God have started to become like a painful tumor in the ass to most people today.

Porn habitues continue to get so consumed with the pleasurable visuals of sex without having any idea how it affects their brain in the same way that their look is largely affected by what they eat. 

The brain is a powerful organ. But Dr. Struthers explained that it doesn't have the ability to excrete unacceptable data as much as digestive system can expel waste food materials. It only keeps on feeding itself what it perceives is important to keep, and store the not so important details to a distant memory. 

Pornography is unfortunately one of those data. It has an exciting effect. As sexual beings we have the tendencies to constantly get in touch with whatever pleasurable thing we experience.

It's like buying an ice cream in a scoop. You don't really get to remember how the ice cream vendor scooped it into the cone, or what the color of the cone was. You would only remember its taste. 

The brain also has the ability to mimic what it sees. That ability is a blessing and a curse. The curse is when it registers and imitates things that will eventually have a destructive effect. 

If this is how intimacy and sexuality is viewed and practiced today, I wonder how it will be viewed and practiced in the future.

From the Fifty Shades Trilogy to the Perks of Being a Wallflower. Its extremely elating influence leverages movies and makes books the bestselling they can be. Sex sells, a LOT.

When I first read Fifty Shades, I had an instantaneous observation of its deliberate use of the word "sex" while most other books would only describe it indeterminately as "making love".

The Perks on the other hand  tackled molestation like it's a normal thing to do. I don't think these happenings are only brought by a minute of exposure to an erratic visual. It takes constant exposure and an entire society.

These are of course my personal opinions. I do not attempt to confound the persons behind all these books, movies, websites, and advertisements. But I find the crippling effects of pornography deserving of my articulate skepticism.

Sexual intimacy is not alone an event brought by surging hormones. It's also a spiritual event.

There is no such thing as “just looking” at porn. There can be no doubt that it affects us neurologically in long-lasting ways. ~ William Struthers, Ph.D. , The Effects of Porn on the Male Brain
I sincerely pray that God will enlighten everyone with the sanctity of marriage and sexuality. Let spiritual ridicule and sexual misuse be surrendered unto HIM.

What's your view?

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equip (dot) org

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weheartit (dot) com