
Today I Turn 22 (And I Ain’t Getting Married)

Time flies. Today I celebrate my twenty-second year of life-- almost perturb but completely wonderful. I already have plans set on how I’d like things to go about this day. It's turning out however that throwing up a get-together is a bit impossible.

So I decide to be my laid-back self and make merry of this day with few of the most important persons in my life. Homemade brownies here, diavolos pizza and coffee smoothies there will all serve our craving tummies. Everybody knows birthday calories don't count. Snorts! I’d also like to put up some jazz music in the background. So it’s a little café sort of feel.

Mommy-ing and wifey-ing reads stockpiled in my desk in the past few weeks. It’s somehow funny when the mom gets to ask me perhaps for curiosity’s sake about why I have been reading those things in a while.

From kindles
To printed parenting finds
I don’t want to freak her out but there are times when I’d like to tell her I want to get married already with puns intended. Haha!

To online references
Well I’m 22, and of course I’m still far from marrying. I just realize how I could start gearing myself to live a more productive life in the future and make career decisions without interrupting the joy of being youth in the process.

Balancing my work as a nurse and a part-time blogger/writer is somehow difficult. However, I’m thinking of ways to keep the homeostasis.

Here are 3 “life at 20’s” realizations I’d like to share in my life blog catalog:

  • 20’s are the best years for travel

Experts would even say traveling should take precedence over other things young adults spend their money for. Imagine how much there is to learn about the world when you begin this early.

  • 20’s is never too late for a healthier lifestyle

Choosing the right food at equally right amount and toning up your body as early as possible will do you a big favor in the future. Wear and tear issues are inevitable but you can help prevent speeding them up.

  • 20’s is the stage you have to learn that life is different outside school

Maximize everything you can learn from studying. Life will offer you way more serious challenges once you get out of the school premises. But keep your faith and understand your brain works. It will help you more than a dictionary would.

I’d like to thank God, my significant others, and all the people who’ve been part and will be part of another wonderful year in my life.

I’m thinking what’s blowing a candle next year when I’m 23 feels like? Teehee! Much love to you all J