The word attractive will, first of all, depend on how you define things as attractive. If being fit and well- dressed is your example of attractive, then it is probably what it is. Hence, it is relative.
Err, attractive doesn't always mean erotic. But it's something that we do to appeal not only to the other people but to ourselves as well.
Below are simple and easy steps, which I sourced out from an infographic, on how to be attractive:
1. Smile
2. Smell nice or don't smell at all
3. Dress for style and respect, not attention
4. Know what's going on in the world and have an opinion about it
5. Speak kindly of yourself and those around you
6. Have three hobbies that do not involve a screen
7. Get an education or save up for one
8. Make time for children, elderly, and those who need a friend
9. Always say thank you and return favors
Photo Credit:
pinterest (dot) com
weheartit (dot) com