
7 Senses-lifting What?

Stress is like an illegal recruitment agency. It keeps dropping in everyday, in any form, like it pesters our lives to make a living. 

We, too always have a choice to either close our doors or give it a space to rent in our minds. I am no life expert but my ability to slay unwanted stress made me understand that it is an inevitable part of nature. 

Nature is nature. And the key to having a harmonious relationship with nature is to not fight against it but to work for it. When we deny its existence that's when we slip, say, our own carnality showing off.

Now here's my personal remedy. The 7  senses- lifting things I do or choose to have to work out stress, being an unfortunately ever existing part of nature. Senses-lifting, huh? Well, it isn't found in Mr. Webster's, just in case you are curious for a little searching. :D But they are proven, so you can make use of them too or you can draw out some ideas which you can modify to suit your preference.

1. The look of a nicely shot photo

Anything pleasant to the eyes has an uplifting effect, right? 

2. A skyline photography

Aaah, breather! A skyline view has a reflective effect on me that allows me to meditate about everything, far from the busy earth surface. 

For a while I can be lost in thought and feel like it's possible to fly. Illusive, I know, but invigorating.

3. The smell of freshly opened books and magazines

The supple feeling is there. The fresh scent of paper and ink that your kindle cannot give you. Plus when your fingers first touch the glossy texture that makes you feel excited for the new things you're going to learn after reading. 

4. The feel of a starlit night

Stars are like tranquil Christmas lights scattered in heaven. It is still and deep like how your thoughts can be. Doesn't it give you peace? When you finally retire to your bedroom after a jam-packed day? 

5. The sound of a Jazz music

Beegie Adair? Or Michael Buble? They're just sooo soothing. 

6. The feel of a morning breeze

Humid. Calm. You know, the marks of new beginnings. A perfect sanctuary for prayer.

7. The taste of a melting ice cream

Guilty pleasures! But what's de-stressing with your comfort food without thinking about the calories. The relaxing effect of a melted ice cream as it meets your throat. 

There you have it. Working out stress using "senses-lifting" things. It's a new word now. Teehee!

What else can you add?

Photo/ Video Credits:
weheartit (dot) com
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